Most customers nowadays pay using credit cards. The use of credit cards is one of the convenient ways to pay for a certain purchase. While it is convenient, there are situations where this type of transaction processing in North Carolina can be a pain.
For instance, why is a customer’s credit card declined?
There are many reasons why a customer’s credit card may be declined. These include the following:
- Reaching the credit limit
This is the most common reason why the card may get declined. Banks typically set a limit for how much the holder can spend depending on a variety of factors. In most cases, the banks will notify the customer via email or text if they are already nearing their credit limit. - Typo error
Credit cards have distinct PIN numbers which serve as authorization for using them. A card may be declined if the customer inputs a different PIN number than what is set for the card. Even one wrong digit can already cause a decline. The customer has to be careful as most banks also set a limit on how many tries they can get to input their PIN. - Suspicious purchase
Checking on the purchasing pattern of a customer can be a great factor in determining the cash management solutions to employ. When a customer makes a purchase that is out of the ordinary, it might be a suspicious matter in the eyes of the bank. As a result, the card will get blocked. To avoid this situation, the customer needs to inform the bank about the purchase. - Flagged for fraud
When the bank has determined that the customer’s card has been used for fraudulent activities, it can be blocked or even closed permanently. It is important for the customer to know the status of their card and take the necessary steps to fix the account. - Expired card
Credit cards can expire, too. Many customers fail to familiarize themselves with their cards’ expiration dates. They should be aware of these dates to avoid getting declined when making a purchase.
Infinity Payment Systems helps businesses and merchants get paid for the services or products they offer. We provide payment processing solutions in Wilmington, North Carolina to assist in their operations. Call us today!
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